


Grant Guidelines


Through funds raised by the Hot Potato 5K, Tri-Valley Youth Activities Fund is making funds available for the following suggested activities:


  • the purchase of uniforms or costumes for sports, dance, theatrical, or similar teams
  • to fund a trip for youth to view a professional performance or sports event
  • for a youth group or club to hire a professional trainer to mentor them for a short time
  • to build or improve a playing field, facility or meeting place that a youth group, team or club uses
  • to fund a service project the youth team, group, or club intends to implement
  • to fund a special performance or game
  • other activities the youth organization would like to do – must be described in the application


One grant per youth organization is available to conduct the activity described in the application.  The organization must be an already existing team, club, or group that functions with the geographical area of the Tri-Valley School District.  However, the organization does not have to be associated with the school.  Groups such as youth sports organizations, 4-H Clubs, Boy/Girl Scout troops, musical groups, church youth groups, dance or gymnastic teams, theater groups, cheer teams, or similar groups are welcome to apply for a grant. Organizations must be for youth under the age of 18.  Grants are non-competitive.


Grants will allow youth organizations to implement programs that will:


  • teach youth a new skill, or help them sharpen current skills
  • give youth a new experience and help broaden their world perspective
  • help youth help others and teach them the value of service
  • give youth an extraordinary opportunity to excel


Grants will be awarded by May 24, 2019.  Awardees will have one (1) year from the date of the award to utilize the funds.  A three (3) month extension may be granted, per written request.  If funds are not utilized within the given period, the Awardees will forfeit those funds and will be excluded from the following grant round.


Application must be completed in full in order to be considered.  Incomplete applications will be excluded without review. 


Organizations will be required to utilize funds within approved timeline and will be dispersed for eligible expenses on a reimbursement basis.  One request for partial reimbursement may be made halfway through the grant period.  Organizations will be required to submit receipts for eligible expenses. Mileage will be reimbursed at the current IRS published rate.


We hope many Tri-Valley area youth organizations consider applying for the Tri-Valley Youth Activities Fund and Hot Potato 5K Grant.  Deadline to apply for a grant is April 12, 2019Grants must be electronically-delivered, hand-delivered, or post-marked by April 12, 2019.  No applications will be accepted past that deadline. 


Please feel free to contact Christine Lettich or Julie Ballay at or 570-653-1102 with any questions about the grant process or the application.