Grant Award Winners


TVYAF_Library_october_2016TVYAF presented a grant award of $3,700 to the Tri-Valley Free Public Library.  The funds will be used to purchase additional children’s books and educational materials.










IMG_6268 copyTVYAF presented a grant award of $765 to the Tri-Valley High School Football Team. The funds will be used for the purchase of a tackling mat. The TVYAF board applauds the team for supporting their players by providing updated, safety equipment.








IMG_4805 copyTVYAF presented a grant award of $500 to the Tri-Valley Future Farmers of America. The funds will be used to assist up to five students to attend the Future Farmers of America’s National Convention.

Hegins Township | Softball Fields – $500


TVYAF presented a grant award of $500 to the Hegins Township. The funds will be used to purchase new bleachers for the field.


Hegin-Hubley Life Skill Class | Micah Ulicny Eagle Scout Project – $1,000


TVYAF awarded a grant of $1,000 to Micah Ulicny. The funds were used towards the installation of a playground and sensory garden for the Life Skills Class at the Hegins-Hubley Elementary School.


Hegins-Hubley PTO – $1,875


TVYAF presented a grant award of $1,875 to Hegins-Hubley PTO. The funds will be used for towards bringing the Mobile Ag Lab to the Hegins-Hubley Elementary School.


Kids Fight for Animals – $500


TVYAF awarded a grant of $500 to Kids Fight For Animals. The funds will be used towards the funding of a Pet Carnival.


Mahantongo Environmental Club – $350


TVYAF awarded a grant of $350 to the Mahantongo Environmental Club. The funds will be used toward a Bee Information Sign.


Mahantongo Fire Company – $500


TVYAF awarded a grant of $500 to the Mahantongo Fire Company. The funds will be used towards the purchase of a AED for the Pitman ball field.


Mahantongo Valley PTO – $800


TVYAF awarded a grant of $800 to the Mahantongo Valley PTO. The funds will be used towards bringing the Mobile Ag Lab to the Mahantongo Valley Elementary School.


St. John’s United Methodist Church Youth Group – $250


TVYAF awarded a grant of $250 to the St. John’s United Methodist Church Youth Group. The funds will be used to assist in hosting a multi-church youth group volleyball tournament.


Tri-Valley Charities – $1,000


TVYAF presented a grant award of $1,000 to the Tri-Valley Charities. The funds will be used to supplement income for contributions to reach previous levels.


Tri-Valley Community Pool – $1,000


TVYAF awarded a grant of $1,000 to the Tri-Valley Community Pool. The funds will be used to contribute towards a new pool pump.


Tri-Valley Cross Country Start-Up – $500


TVYAF awarded a grant of $500 to the Tri-Valley Cross Country Start-Up. The funds will be used towards the purchase of jerseys and shorts.


Tri-Valley FFA – $500


TVYAF awarded a grant of $500 to the Tri-Valley FFA.  The funds will be used to assist students to attend the National FFA Convention.


Tri-Valley Football – $1,000


TVYAF awarded a grant of $1,000 to the Tri-Valley Football program. The funds will be used to sponsor a clinic for all sports within the Tri-Valley District with speakers and team building events.


Tri-Valley Free Public Library – $1,000


TVYAF awarded a grant of $1,000 to the Tri-Valley Free Public Library.  The funds will be used towards the purchase of STEM building materials.


Tri-Valley High School Band – $2,000


TVYAF awarded a grant of $2,000 to the Tri-Valley High School Band.  The funds will be used to purchase instruments for students.


Tri-Valley High School Drama Club – $1,600


TVYAF awarded a grant of $1,600 to the Tri-Valley High School Drama Club.  The funds will be used to upgrade the wireless microphone system.


Tri-Valley High School Girls Soccer – $500


TVYAF awarded a grant of $500 to the Tri-Valley High School Girls Soccer Club.  The funds will be used to assist funding the Community Day Event.


Tri-Valley Lady Dawgs Basketball Boosters – $750


TVYAF awarded a grant of $750 to the Tri-Valley Lady Dawgs Basketball Boosters.  The funds will be used to assist funding students to attend basketball camp.


Tri-Valley Little League – $500


TVYAF awarded a grant of $500 to the Tri-Valley Little League.  The funds will be used to assist in the refurbishment of the dugouts.


Tri-Valley Midget Girls Basketball – $350


TVYAF awarded a grant of $350 to Tri-Valley Midget Girls Basketball.  The funds will be used to purchase new game jerseys for multi-year use.


Valley View American Legion Post 575 – $450


TVYAF awarded a grant of $450 to the Valley View American Legion Post 575.  The funds will be used to assist with league dues.


Valley View Gun Club | Tri-Valley Bucktree Archery – $1,000


TVYAF awarded a grant of $1,000 to the Valley View Gun Club and Tri-Valley Bucktree Archery.  The funds will be used to purchase a gun safe to store youth equipment.